Did you know you can earn Vala prizes and awards by using your imagination to create a Vala inspired work?

With Aeons 20th birthday fast approaching in October, Vala is putting together a collection of comics, short stories, drawings and more, as told by Vala participants, fans and observers alike. The 20th Anniversary Edition of the Vala Zine will contain exciting tid-bits of tales, behind the scenes news, and closely guarded Vala secrets of the games and more.

Do you have a story or something else you want to share with us and others?

Contributors prizes include:
Unique Vala merchandise, boffer gear, a free day of Vala participation, and the eternal glory of having your name and work featured in the Vala Zine!

Please send your submission to Hello@aeonacademy.com.au with the heading “Vala Magazine” for a chance to win a Vala Contributors Prize