Our Winter Vacation Program has come to an end, but the fun doesn’t have to stop there.
Our After School Program for Term 3 is now out and there’s lots of exciting things planned for Vala Adventures and Creative Catalyst Visual Arts.
Head over to our After School page to see the full program.

We hope everybody had a great Winter break and is ready to jump into the next term! As usual we start the first week of the term with Introductory, week where children can have a go of Art and Vala.

Want to join in the fun?
Book into our Winter Workshops, Ceramic Hand building for Adults and anyone 10 years+  or Pet Portraits for Adults + children.
There will be a Vala Boffer Defender Workshop too.
All workshops are run by our amazing Artist Educators and Vala Masters and are raising funds for our 20th Birthday Open Day on the 28th October.