Vala Adventures program

Choose your Adventure…

Fantasy, History, Legend, Martial Arts, Literature.

Full-day Vala Adventures your child will never forget! Children & Teens aged 7 – 16 will play a character in a collaborative tale; they’ll experience a unique blend of storytelling, tabletop roleplaying and Live Action Role Playing (LARP), physical games. Led by a supportive & creative team of educators, performers & mentors this exciting, one-of-a-kind program will engage & inspire.

2023 Autumn Holiday Workshops

Week 1

Monday April 10th: Public Holiday

Tuesday April 11th: Age of the Buccaneers

Treasure of Porto Bello 

Sign up to the crew of Captain Henry Morgan, “King” of the Brethren of the Coast, and explore the lives of the freedom-loving Buccaneers of Tortuga! Sail against Spanish trade-ships and ransack Spanish towns in search of treasure, and earn an equal share of the ship’s plunder in the greatest victories of the Buccaneer fleet. With a strong wind in the sails and all hands on deck, look beyond Hollywood and discover the truth about the real pirates of the Caribbean. 

After allowing a prisoner to escape and forewarn the town of Puerto Principe, the buccaneer’s gained gained little when they took the city. Unable to pay their debts they cannot return to port, but Captain Morgan has a new scheme: sacking the wealthy city of Porto Bello. Riches beyond imagining stand before the crew, but rumours of foul play during the fall of Puerto Principe breed strife among the ranks and whispers of the three heavily-armed fortresses that guard their target fill even the boldest heart with caution. They must come together and rise above fear and bickering if they hope to win their prize: the Treasure of Porto Bello.

Wednesday April 12th: Hidden Ninja Village 

Secrets of the Shinobi

Live Action Role Playing, Ninja Sneaking Games, Obstacle Courses, and Ninja style boffering

In Feudal 15th century Japan the Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century. Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa has no heir. To avoid assassination, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become his heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 

DEFENDER- Live Action masterclass, this is a very active day

Thursday April 13th: Greek Heroes

Curse of Poseidon

Take up the role of one of the adventurous crew onboard the Greek hero Odysseus’ ship sailing back to their homeland after the decade-long Trojan War.  Legend tells best of the actions of the great hero himself, but we can easily imagine that he was at his best when supported by wily companions. Beset by the cruller whims of the fates, the elements and the gods themselves, their experiences en route have become the very by-word for an arduous and eventful journey- an odyssey!

In the wake of their perilous encounter with the enormous one-eyed cyclops Polyphemus and their narrow escape from his cave, the semi-divine Greek hero Odysseus and his crew put the rocky island of Sicily behind them and resume their journey home. But the sailing ahead is far from smooth as the cyclops’ enraged divine father turns his wrath against Odysseus and all who sail with him, who must now face the Curse of Poseidon!

Friday April 14th: Dawnsaga Fantasy: Elf Towers

Tower of the Unicorn

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm. Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction. The Peregrines are now travelling down the Unicorn Way, towards the next Elf Tower… 

It is said to be more than a century since the Unicorns ranged across the Plains of Parvonne. The Tower of the Unicorn seems to stand stark and forlorn as if mourning their loss. Yet a strident cry from a lone Knight astride a great white mount on the causeway leading to the Tower breaks the Peregrines out of their reverie. If they know anything yet about the Old Elf Heartland, the Peregrines know that the Knight’s challenge is sure to hide more mystery than a mere joust for passage?

Week 2

Monday April 17th: Kung-Fu Warriors

Legendary China: Sage of Snow Treasure Peak

Join Kung-Fu masters, wise sages and mighty civilizations in a time so distant the only record is legend.

Ancient China suffers under the tyrannical rule of King Jie of Xia, who sits in his Tilt Palace drinking and partying while his people suffer and starve. Most stand by and do nothing, but there are some with the courage and will to resist his evil. A group of fledgling heroes, strangers to one another, are called by a recurring dream to seek training and guidance from a legendary sage. He is their only hope, the teacher and mentor who will help them to end King Jie’s evil and undo the damage he has done. He is The Sage of Snow Treasure Peak.

Tuesday April 18th: Fall of the Aztecs

Aztec Dusk

Experience the heyday of the Aztec Empire, the mightiest kingdom in their known world, and feel their pain as their ancient culture comes toppling down and is trodden beneath iron-shod feet. From the first omens of ruin and disaster to the conquest of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital that lies beneath modern-day Mexico City, take a stand against the invading Spanish and preserve as much as can be saved so at least something of the Aztec culture can survive!

Omens still bedevil the Aztec Empire as spies and scouts bring reports that the strangers from across the sea have made alliance with the rival state of Tlaxaca. To combat this atmosphere of uncertainty the Emperor sends a group who impressed him during recent ceremonies to solidify the Triple Alliance, the foundation on which the Empire rests. Venturing through the jungle and facing not only its native dangers but Tlaxacan and Spanish interference, they must be fearsome, cunning, and wise if they are to avert the looming Aztec Dusk. 

Wednesday April 19th: Hidden Ninja Village 

Secrets of the Shinobi

Live Action Role Playing, Ninja Sneaking Games, Obstacle Courses, and Ninja style boffering

In Feudal 15th century Japan the Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century. Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa has no heir. To avoid assassination, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become his heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 

DEFENDER- Live Action masterclass, this is a very active day

Thursday April 20th: Sci-Fi Returns

Space Station Saturnine

The year is 2099. Leaving a sad old polluted Earth of diminishing resources, massive overpopulation, and environmental disaster, a motley crew of ne’er-do-wells seek new opportunities out in the Solar System for enterprising smugglers, thieves, hackers, and the like. From near-earth orbit to the Moon, from Mercury to Mars and beyond, get ready for the adventures of your life in a new era where the horizon is yet to be explored.

Friday April 21st: Dawnsaga Fantasy

Young Mutant Academy

Dive into the weird and wonderful Sea of Babiro, far away from Elfs and Towers, in our returning Dawnsaga Fantasy Adventure: Young Mutant Academy. Plucked from obscurity by genetics and fortune, learn to navigate the colourful larger-than-life world of being a heroic young mutant in the Sea of Babiro. Experience a whole new fantastical way of life among the bustling city-states of Babiro with psychic news and television, bizarre food and drink, strange sea creatures, weird sorcerous science, all-powerful merchant nobles, and competition for the popularity and status that will earn you the best view over the gently-bubbling Sea of Babiro. 

Term 1 2023

Wednesdays – Fall of the Aztecs

Experience the heyday of the Aztec Empire, the mightiest kingdom in their known world, and feel their pain as their ancient culture comes toppling down and is trodden beneath iron-shod feet. From the first omens of ruin and disaster to the conquest of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital that lies beneath modern-day Mexico City, take a stand against the invading Spanish and preserve as much as canbe saved so at least something of the Aztec culture can survive!

In the ‘Fall of the Aztecs’ set of adventures Vala Games explores the diverse cultures of Aztec-ruled Central America, the chain of events that led to their conquest by the Spanish, the moments on which history hinged where things could have turned out radically different, and the inevitability that at-times is the nature of history, while also teaching skills of strategy, cooperation, and good judgement.

Thursdays – Sea of Greek Heroes, Crew of Odysseus

Take up the role of one of the adventurous crew onboard the Greek hero Odysseus’ ship sailing back to their homelandafter the decade-longTrojan War.  Legend tells best of the actions of the great hero himself, but we can easily imagine that he was at his best when supported by wily companions. Beset by the crueller whims of the fates, the elementsand the gods themselves, their experiences en route have become the very by-word for an arduous and eventful journey- an odyssey!

In the Crew of Odysseus set of adventures Vala adventures through the rich tapestry of Greek mythology and early Western literature and explores questions of the nature of heroism (is it born, is it made) and what it means to be a hero, as well as teaching skills of teamwork, negotiation, and creative problem-solving.

Fridays – Elf Towers of Dawn – Secret of the Lith

Our Friday flagship Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign!

Participate Online realtime.

Runs every Friday 4-5:30 PM from 10 February 2023 until 7 April 2023

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient-most Realm

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Contact for more information

2023 Summer Holiday Workshops

Week 1

Monday January 9th

Time Bandit – King Solomon’s Mines

What better way to visit significant times and places in history and culture than as a member of the ʻTime Banditsʼ? This band of multifarious midgets once served the Supreme Being, making all the small things like boulders and shrubs until they angered him by making a particularly smelly bush. After being harshly scolded they petulantly stole His Map to All-of-Space-and Time and are now travelling through portals therein identified… stealing the greatest treasures ever known at the moments of greatest opportunity! (Just as we have stolen this idea from some of the original Monty Python team, ahem).

Since ancient days people have believed that somewhere in deepest Africa lies the source of legendary King Solomon’s renowned wealth. Any one reading the famous 19th century novel ‘King Solomon’s Mines’ might believe they know exactly where it is. So little wonder that the Time Bandits are heading to the story’s location at exactly the moment the expedition lead by adventurer Alan Quartermain brings ruin to the hidden valley of Kukuanaland and creates just the kind of opportunity they are looking for.

Tuesday January 10th

Secrets of the Ninja – The Red Monk

Live Action Role Playing, with Ninja Sneaking Games, Obstacle Courses, and Ninja style boffering.     

In Feudal 15th century Japan the Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century. Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa has no heir. To avoid assassination, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become his heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 

The Shogun sends his Ninja Spies to look into a land dispute between his right hand man, Katsumoto, and Yamana Sozen, the one they call the Red Monk…

Wednesday January 11th

Knight School – Merlin’s Cave

Live Action Role Playing (LARP) & Boffer Weapon Masterclass.

Learn to wield your sword and shield with control, honour and courage!

Like their Templar or Teuton ancestors before them in mediaeval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Tintagel. 

Druids, ancient relics, and great warriors, step into the world of King Arthur and the legend of the Ancient Knight Orders. As the Crusaders Cup Knights Tournament Continues!

Thursday January 12th

Vikings: North World – Age of Ragnarok 

With Live Action Role Playing (LARP), Boffer, and tabletop dice play.

The Norse in North America! Join our viking crew in creating the great saga of their journeys in the mysterious and massive lands they have arrived in, following Leif Ericson and the other children of the ferocious Eric the Red. 

Just as all seems to be going their way, with strong alliances formed, a sign is spotted. A terrible omen of the coming of Ragnarok, and the beginning of the end. The group is faced with hard decisions as the Age of Vikings nears its end, and a new age begins…

Friday January 13th

Elf-Towers of Dawn – The Secret Seer

Our flagship Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign!

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancientmost Realm.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Week 2

Monday January 16th

Sci-fi – Lunar Escapades

Join the rag-tag crew of a ne’er-do-wells in the near future and experience life in a brave new world as overpopulation, climate change, and pollution all come to a head on Planet Earth.

As over-reacting governments infringe on civil liberty, opportunities abound for enterprising smugglers, thieves, hackers, and other hangers-on.

From near-earth orbit to the Moon, from Mars to Mercury, adventure all around the Solar System and see what can be done when you aim to misbehave.

Tuesday January 17th

Secrets of the Ninja – The Monk’s True Face

Live Action Role Playing, with Ninja Sneaking Games, Obstacle Courses, and Ninja style boffering. 

In Feudal 15th century Japan the Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century.

Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa has no heir.

To avoid assassination, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become his heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country.

And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 


Wednesday January 18th

Knight School – The City under Sea

Learn to wield your sword and shield with control, honour and courage!

Like their Templar or Teuton ancestors before them in mediaeval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Tintagel. 

Druids, ancient relics, and great warriors, step into the world of King Arthur and the legend of the Ancient Knight Orders. As the Crusaders Cup Knights Tournament Continues!

Thursday January 19th

Vikings: North World – The Death of Baldr

With Live Action Role Playing (LARP), Boffer, and tabletop dice play.

The Norse in North America! Join our viking crew in creating the great saga of their journeys in the mysterious and massive lands they have arrived in, following Leif Ericson and the other children of the ferocious Eric the Red. 

Just as all seems to be going their way, with strong alliances formed, a sign is spotted. A terrible omen of the coming of Ragnarok, and the beginning of the end. The group is faced with hard decisions as the Age of Vikings nears its end, and a new age begins…

Friday January 20th

Elf-Towers of Dawn – Our flagship Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign!

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancientmost Realm.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers,

and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Week 3

Monday January 23rd 

Elf-Towers of Dawn – Our flagship Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign!

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancientmost Realm.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers,

and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Tuesday January 24th

Secrets of the Ninja – A New Heir

Live Action Role Playing, with Ninja Sneaking Games, Obstacle Courses, and Ninja style boffering

In Feudal 15th century Japan the Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century.

Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa has no heir.

To avoid assassination, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become his heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country.

And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 

Wednesday January 25th

Knight School – The Furthest Shores

Live Action Role Playing (LARP) & Boffer Weapon Masterclass.

Learn to wield your sword and shield with control, honour and courage!

Like their Templar or Teuton ancestors before them in mediaeval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Tintagel. 

Druids, ancient relics, and great warriors, step into the world of King Arthur and the legend of the Ancient Knight Orders. As the Crusaders Cup Knights Tournament Continues!

Thursday January 26th   PUBLIC HOLIDAY 

Friday January 27th

Age of the Buccaneers – Brethren of the Coast 

Piracy and freedom flourish in the beautiful islands of the tropical Caribbean as Spain and England viciously compete over rule of the seas.

Sign up to the fleet of Captain Henry Morgan, “King” of the Brethren of the Coast, and join a crew of piratical buccaneers seeking gold and glory as part of this mighty fleet.

Fight for the best position aboard your ship (and the greatest share of profit), struggle against the treachery of the weather and waves, set your course to raiding the Spanish port of Puerto Principe, and look beyond

Hollywood to learn about the real pirates of the Caribbean.

Spring Holiday Workshops

Week 1

Monday September 26th

Time Bandit – Treasures of Pompei

A fun one shot story with both Live Action Role Playing and Tabletop Gaming

What better way to visit significant time and places in history and culture than as a member of the ʻTime Banditsʼ- a band of dwarfs who once served the Supreme Being, making all the small things like boulders and shrubs until they angered him by making a particularly smelly bush, were rebuked and then petulantly stole His map to All-of-Space-and Time, and are now travelling through portals therein identified… stealing the greatest treasures ever known at the moments of greatest opportunity! (Just as we have stolen this idea from some of the original Monty Python team, ahem).

Get into Pompeii just as the volcano erupts, panic sets in, and the populace abandon their wealth. Get out before you are overcome with smoke, ash and lava. Manoeuvre around the panicked crowds and find out more about the bizarre cult of Vesuvius, while you search for the treasures of Pompeii. All that you’ve gotta do is escape before you burn.

Tuesday September 27th

Secrets of the Ninja- The old man of the mountain 

Come train in the hidden village Dojo of the Ninja

Live Action Role Playing (LARP) & Boffer Weapon Masterclass.

In Japan the current Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century. Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa is yet to produce an heir. Hearing the whispers in his court about who will inherit his power, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 

After a failed assassination attempt is made on Shogun Yoshimasa his Ninja spies must ask themselves, who stands to gain most from the death of the current Shogun..

Wednesday September 28th

Knight School –Templar Vs Teutonic

Pack your sword & shield and reply via eagle post to confirm your place in the Crusaders Cup

Vala’s longest running Live Action Role Playing (LARP) & Boffer Weapon Masterclass.

Like their Templar or Teuton ancestors before them in mediaeval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious ime-hallowed Cornwall. 

Discover why now that the Crusaders Cup has begun, it cannot be stopped until it is completed, no matter the cost…

Start as a page, and train your way up through the ranks of squire, to eventually join the honourable knights order.

Thursday September 29th

North World –  Kingdom of Ice  

Can they save their alliance, or create new ones, to establish a permanent foothold in the newfoundland?

With Live Action Role Playing (LARP), Boffer, and tabletop dice play.

A story surrounding the sagas of Norse exploration in North America. As the ‘Vikings’ celebrate their alliance with the local Mi’kmaq people, strongly ensured by a newborn of both Mi’kmaq and Norse origins. Their sworn enemy the Grey wolf, Okwoho, strikes & steals away the newborn child. The Vikings must follow Okwoho’s trail across this mysterious land before their alliance crumbles. Leave your long ship, for the Kayak that the people of the North use to traverse the freezing north waters. 

As the Vikings emerge from the Land without sun, they find themselves in the largest Thule settlement, a great ‘Kingdom of Ice’. 

Friday September 30th

Dawnsaga – Elf Towers of Dawn (Ages 10+)    

Can they find the last true holders of the tower’s powers before the others that seek it…

Diceplay & Tabletop Special + LARP during holiday.

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm. Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction. 

As the group heads out from inland, a new chapter begins. 

Travelling along the coastline, the Peregrines make their way down the Ocean Way, to what is known as the Old Elf Heartland. Hoping to find healing and peace at the next Elf-Tower, the blue dreaming tower, they soon learn that the ancient college of dreams and healing has fallen into the hands of frauds and charlatans.

PUBLIC HOLIDAY Monday October 3rd

Tuesday October 4th

Secrets of the Ninja – The Heir to the Shogunate

Come train in the hidden village Dojo of the Ninja

Live Action Role Playing (LARP) & Boffer Weapon Masterclass.

In Japan the current Ashikaga Shogunate has been the true power behind the emperor for over a century. Yet now the Ashikaga line has become thin, Shogun Yoshimasa is yet to produce an heir. Hearing the whispers in his court about who will inherit his power, he reaches out to his younger brother, living as a monk, to become heir.

The land stands on the brink of great upheaval and conflict, a world where tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. And during the ceaseless struggle for power, a new secret tool will come to the fore, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. 

After a failed assassination attempt is made on Shogun Yoshimasa his Ninja spies must ask themselves, who stands to gain most from the death of the current Shogun..

Wednesday October 5th

Knight School –  The Holy Trinity

Pack your sword & shield and reply via eagle post to confirm your place in the Crusaders Cup

Vala’s longest running Live Action Role Playing (LARP) & Boffer Weapon Masterclass.

Like their Templar or Teuton ancestors before them in mediaeval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Cornwall.  The Two Ancient Knights Orders compete in the ancient Crusaders cup, but there is a Third group required to complete the ancient Trinity

Discover why now that the Crusaders Cup has begun, it cannot stop until it is completed, no matter the cost…

Thursday October 6th

North World – Beneath the Ice

Can they save their alliance, or create new ones, to establish a permanent foothold in the newfoundland?

A story surrounding the sagas of Norse exploration in North America.

As the ‘Vikings’ celebrate their alliance with the local Mi’kmaq people, strongly ensured by a newborn of both Mi’kmaq and Norse origins. Their sworn enemy the Grey wolf, Okwoho, strikes & steals away the newborn child. The Vikings must follow Okwoho’s trail across this mysterious land before their alliance crumbles.

Having followed the thief across the land without Sun, they find themselves finally within reach of their enemy. But as the winter ice melts what other secrets will be uncovered with it.

Friday October 7th

Dawnsaga – Elf Towers of Dawn (Ages 10+)   

Find the last true holders of the tower’s powers before the others that seek it…

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm. 

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

As the group heads out from inland, a new chapter begins. 

Travelling along the coastline, the Peregrines make their way down the Ocean Way, to what is known as the Old Elf Heartland.

Hoping to find healing and peace at the next Elf-Tower, the blue dreaming tower, they soon learn that the ancient college of dreams and healing has fallen into the hands of frauds and charlatans. 

Winter Adventures

week 1

Monday 4th July. No Vala

Ninja School: Shinobi in Shadows

Tuesday 5th July

During a time of upheaval and conflict, tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. A new secret tool becomes used in their struggles, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception.

The greatest ninja were said to come from Hidden village’s that specialised in techniques unknown to outsiders.Come train at the Dojo of the Ninja, the Dark Warriors of this dangerous world, who will learn to harness powers that can change the very course of history!

Enter the Hidden village of the Ninja, the mysterious Shinobi who move unseen in a dangerous world

Knight School: The Crusaders Cup

Wednesday 6th July

Like their Templar ancestors before them in medieval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Cornwall. Accept the invitation to compete in the Crusaders Cup, Knight School against Knight School!

Pack your sword & shield and reply via eagle post to your invitation to join Vala School of Knightcraft & Chivalry

Northworld: The Land Without Sun.

Thursday 7th July

A story surrounding the sagas of Norse exploration in North America. As the ‘Vikings’ celebrate their alliance with the local Mi’kmaq people, strongly ensured by a newborn of both Mi’kmaq and Norse origins. Their sworn enemy the Grey wolf, Okwoho, strikes & steals away the newborn child. The Vikings must follow Okwoho’s trail across this mysterious land before their alliance crumbles. Leave your long ship, for the Kayak that the people of the North use to traverse harsh cold waters. But as the Winter arrives and they find themselves further North then they have ever been, they find themselves in…

The Land Without Sun.

The Dawnsaga: Elf Towers of Dawn (Ages 10+)

Friday 8th July. In person & online

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm. Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction. A new chapter begins, traveling along the coastline, towards what is known as the Old Elf Heartland. Along the great ocean road that they take there are many patches that remain unprotected from Ruthless Pirates who sail the waters. Those who call themselves the Varks of the sea, who smell gold & opportunity like a shiver of sharks smell blood in the water… Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers

The Dawnsaga: Elf Towers of Dawn (Ages 10+)

week 2

Monday 11th July. No Vala

Rise of the Ninja: Dark Knights

Tuesday 12th July

During a time of upheaval and conflict, tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country. A new secret tool becomes used in their struggles, The Ninja… Masters of stealth and deception. The greatest ninja were said to come from Hidden village’s that specialised in techniques unknown to outsiders. Come train at the Dojo of the Ninja, the Dark Warriors of this dangerous world, who will learn to harness powers that can change the very course of history! Enter the Hidden village of the Ninja, the mysterious Shinobi who move unseen in a dangerous world.

Enter the Hidden village of the Ninja, the mysterious Shinobi who move unseen in a dangerous world

Knight School: Crusaders Cup

Wednesday 13th July

Like their Templar ancestors before them in medieval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Cornwall. Accept the invitation to compete in the Crusaders Cup, Knight School against Knight School!

Pack your sword & shield and reply via eagle post to your invitation to join Vala School of Knightcraft & Chivalry

Northworld: The Land Without Sun.

Thursday 14th July

A story surrounding the sagas of Norse exploration in North America. As the ‘Vikings’ celebrate their alliance with the local Mi’kmaq people, strongly ensured by a newborn of both Mi’kmaq and Norse origins. Their sworn enemy the Grey wolf, Okwoho, strikes & steals away the newborn child. The Vikings must follow Okwoho’s trail across this mysterious land before their alliance crumbles. Leave your long ship, for the Kayak that the people of the North use to traverse harsh cold waters. But as the Winter arrives and they find themselves further North then they have ever been, they find themselves in… The Land Without Sun.

An ongoing Viking campaign which welcomes newcomers to take an oar at the longship any time!

The Dawnsaga: Elf Towers of Dawn (Ages 10+)

Friday 15th July

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm. Join a band of adventurers, to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction. As the group heads towards the ocean, a new chapter begins. Traveling along the coastline, towards what is known as the Old Elf Heartland. Along the great ocean road that they take there are many patches that remain unprotected from ruthless pirates who sail the waters. Those who call themselves the Varks of the sea, who smell gold & opportunity like a shiver of sharks smell blood in the water… Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers

Autumn Program

Monday 11th April

The Dawnsaga: Elf Towers of Dawn

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers

Tuesday 12th April

Northworld: Viking America

Set a square sail upon the longship of the Norse Sagas and travel back in time to days when the same Vikings who carried war, plundering and conquest throughout old Europe and even into Asia explored the mysterious shores and hinterland of a New World across the Western Ocean. There they traded goods as well as unfortunate blows, with the native peoples. Come relive some of the heady days of the Norse in North America.

How will your character contribute to founding a new colony and forging alliances with the indigenous people?

Wednesday 13th April

Knight School: Tintagel Reborn

Like their Templar ancestors before them in medieval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Cornwall.

Pack your sword & shield and reply via eagle post to your invitation to join Vala School of Knightcraft & Chivalry

Thursday 14th April

Rise of the Ninja: Dark Knights

During a time of upheaval and conflict, tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country.

Hidden from the Warlords, enter the secret training Dojo of the Ninja, the Dark Knights of this dangerous world, who will learn to harness powers that can change the very course of history!

Enter the secret training Dojo of the Ninja, the Dark Knights of a dangerous world

Friday 15th April

Public Holiday

Monday 18th April

Public Holiday

Tuesday 19th April

Rise of the Ninja: Dark Knights

During a time of upheaval and conflict, tyrannical Warlords battle for control of the country.

Hidden from the Warlords, enter the secret training Dojo of the Ninja, the Dark Knights of this dangerous world, who will learn to harness powers that can change the very course of history!

An ongoing campaign. New students are recruited to the secret training Dojo of the Ninja every week.

Wednesday 20th April

Knight School: Tintagel Reborn

Like their Templar ancestors before them in medieval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Cornwall.

Knight School is an ongoing campaign which welcomes new students every week

Thursday 21 April

Northworld: Viking America

Set a square sail upon the longship of the Norse Sagas and travel back in time to days when the same Vikings who carried war, plundering and conquest throughout old Europe and even into Asia explored the mysterious shores and hinterland of a New World across the Western Ocean. There they traded goods as well as unfortunate blows, with the native peoples. Come relive some of the heady days of the Norse in North America.

An ongoing Viking campaign which welcomes newcomers to take an oar at the longship any time!

Friday 22 April

The Dawnsaga: Elf Towers of Dawn

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancient Most Realm.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers.

New Peregrines welcome every week!

Vala Adventures – January Holiday Program 4th- 28th


(Except 3rd January- Public Holiday)

Sea of Greek Legends

Take up the role of one of the adventurous crew onboard the Greek hero Odysseus’ ship sailing back to their homeland after the decade-long Trojan War. Legend tells best of the actions of the great hero himself, but we can easily imagine that he was at his best when supported by wily companions.

After a string of misfortunes brought about by the sea god Poseidon, Odysseus’ once-mighty fleet has been reduced to but a single ship and its crew. Imagine their joy when, stopping at a lush island to resupply, they discover a banquet fit for the gods laid out for them by mysterious hands. All is not as it seems, however, on the Isle of the lonely and powerful sorceress, Circe!

Can your wits make up for the foolhardiness of your captain and hero Odysseus, on the dangerous Isle of Circe?


Viking America

Set a square sail upon the longship of the Norse Sagas and travel back in time to days when the same Vikings who carried war, plundering and conquest throughout old Europe and even into Asia explored the mysterious shores and hinterland of a New World across the Western Ocean. There they traded goods as well as unfortunate blows, with the native peoples. Come relive some of the heady days of the Norse in North America.

How will your character contribute to the founding of a new colony and the forging of alliances with the indigenous people?


(except for Wed 26th- public holiday)

New Knight School

Like their Templar ancestors before them in medieval times, students in today’s world accept secret invitations to join an ancient College of Knighthood which remains hidden deep in the countryside of mysterious time-hallowed Wales.

Inspired by their experiences in the legendary Arthurian past, the students have won their first skirmish with the Enforcers, striking a first blow against the Illuminati-influenced regime of Sir John D’Eville.

But it soon dawns on them that this is but the first battle in the war that is to follow before Temple College can be free once again…

Pack your sword & shield and reply via eagle post to your invitation to join Vala School of Knightcraft and Chivalry


Young Ninja Mutant Academy

New Super- Hero adventures! Dive into the weird and wonderful Sea of Babiro, far away from Elf Towers, in our latest fantasy campaign.

Plucked from obscurity by genetics and fortune, learn to navigate the colourful larger-than-life world of being a heroic young mutant in the Sea of Babiro

…psychic news and television, bizarre food and drinks, strange sea creatures, weird sorcerous science, all powerful merchant nobles, and competition for the popularity and status that will earn you the best view over the gently bubbling Sea, the Mother of All.

What special powers will your character cultivate to climb the ladder to celebrity stardom?


Elf Towers of Dawn – from the heights to the depths

Sites of mystic wonder, the Elf-Towers mark nodes of earth-power flowing through the Ancientmost Realm.

Join a band of adventurers, the Peregrines, and answer the Summons of the Towers- to raise the sleeping power of the Towers, and to heal The Realm and prepare the Way for the Choosing of a High King and Queen to lead us against the Evil Empire that threatens the Realm’s destruction.

Sailing up the Great River towards the splendid capital of the Ancient Realm, the Peregrines escape pursuit by Imperial navy ships and sudden attack by giant ravens, only to be shipwrecked on the rocky shores of the Keepers Isle, the isle of tombs, where it is said every six feet belongs to a chief or a king or a queen who died long ago, and the only living beings are ‘the Keepers’, mysterious members of the ‘Black Branch’ of the Realm’s druidic religion.

Do you have the making of a true Peregrine? Come solve the mystery of the Keepers Isle.